Orlistat Side Effects: Weight Loss Pills in Los Angeles, CA 90001


Orlistat Side Effects: Weight Loss Pills in Los Angeles, CA 90001

Are you looking for a weight loss pill that can help you shed those extra pounds? Orlistat is a popular weight loss pill that is available in Los Angeles, CA 90001. It is a prescription medication that is used to help people lose weight. But like any other medication, it has its own set of side effects. In this blog post, we will discuss the side effects of Orlistat and how to manage them.

What is Orlistat?

Orlistat is a weight loss pill that is used to help people lose weight. It works by blocking the absorption of fat from the diet. It is available in two forms: over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription. The OTC version is sold under the brand name Alli, while the prescription version is sold under the brand name Xenical.

What are the Side Effects of Orlistat?

The most common side effects of Orlistat are gastrointestinal in nature. These include abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, and oily spotting. Other side effects include headache, back pain, and urinary tract infections. In rare cases, Orlistat can cause liver damage.

How to Manage the Side Effects of Orlistat

The best way to manage the side effects of Orlistat is to make sure you are following the instructions of your doctor. Make sure you are taking the correct dosage and not exceeding the recommended amount. Additionally, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly while taking Orlistat. This will help to reduce the side effects and maximize the effectiveness of the medication.


Orlistat is a popular weight loss pill that is available in Los Angeles, CA 90001. It is a prescription medication that is used to help people lose weight. However, it has its own set of side effects. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal in nature. The best way to manage the side effects of Orlistat is to make sure you are following the instructions of your doctor and following a healthy diet and exercise regularly while taking the medication.

#Orlistat #WeightLossPills #LosAngeles #CA90001 #SideEffects #HealthyDiet #Exercise #PrescriptionMedication #Alli #Xenical #LiverDamage #Gastrointestinal #AbdominalPain #Diarrhea #Flatulence #OilySpotting #Headache #BackPain #UrinaryTractInfections

#Orlistat #Side #Effects #Weight #Loss #Pills #Los #Angeles

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